
The Department of Pediatrics seeks to optimize the physical, psychosocial and mental needs of children and communities in our Tristate Appalachian region. Several research opportunities exist at Marshall University, and collaboration within and between departments and schools is strongly encouraged. The mission of the Appalachian Clinical and Translational Science Institute at Marshall University (ACTSI) is to advance research and education to improve the health of Central Appalachia. The ACTSI coordinates clinical and translational research activities throughout the Marshall University healthcare community and with community health partners.

Residents are encouraged to work with their program director, mentor and any varied collaborators of their choice with the goal of improving both knowledge and health care. Projects that receive selection for presentation at local, state, regional and national meetings are supported with travel monies for attendance at meetings and any costs associated with the presentation.


GME Research Page

Marshall Research Day

Beth Emrick, MD
Director of Fellows and Resident Research

Deborah Preston, BS, ACRP-CCRC, is a nationally accredited Certified Clinical Research Coordinator in the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Pediatrics Department. She has been a member of the Pediatrics staff for over 9 years. Ms. Preston thoroughly enjoys working with our faculty, fellows, residents, and students. Her expertise in the process of executing research includes everything from study design and regulatory compliance all the way through to presentation and publication. She is a well published medical research scientist and is always happy to go the extra mile to assist our trainees in becoming successful researchers whether their interest lies in areas of clinical research or quality improvement.

Deborah Preston, BS, ACRP-CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator

Marshall Research Day Pic
Pas Pic 3
PAS Pic2
PAS Pic4resized
MU Research Day 2021 Ben Karabasz
MU Research Day 2021 Zainab Saeed
MU Research Day Jesse Lewis
PAS 2022 Barnett Pic
PAS 2022 Mendenhall Pic
MU Research Day 2021 Ally Bias 2