Medical Student Career Development Program

The MCD program is a four year longitudinal course based on the AAMC Careers in Medicine (CiM) program. Beginning with the class of 2019, participation in the Medical Career Development Program will be a graduation requirement. Students use the CiM websites as their primary source of information.

The third and fourth year students will meet with the Associate Dean of Student Affairs annually to discuss the CiM objectives outlined below.

The Assistant Director of Academic and Career Support Services will serve as the liaison for the first and second year students. By utilizing The CiM four-phase model, the Assistant Director will help the medical students understand themselves and begin to the explore their understanding career development.

Independent learning exercises are also completed by students throughout the year. The outcome measures of these are listed below.

MCD Year


Outcome Measures

Year 1

Demonstrate familiarity with CiM as a resource for career development by attending a school sponsored introduction to Careers in Medicine workshop and complete the CiM’s Medical Specialty Preference Inventory (MSPI).

Completion of the MSPI to create a targeted starting point for further exploring specialty options


Demonstrate evidence of identifying your career interests and personal values by CiM’s Physician Values in Practice Scale (PVIPS).

Completion of the self-assessments and submitting a short narrative describing the results. Attendance of one “Career Conversation” session

Year 2

Attend two or more specialty interest group meeting. Complete the CiM self-assessments to consider how they fit with the specialties that interest you.

Submit a personal reflection paper on your career development and attend two “Career Conversation” sessions

Year 3

Attend school sponsored – student driven Career Development Workshops. Draft an updated Curriculum Vitae to Assistant Dean of Student Affairs for feedback

Focus on Career choices as third year progresses. Submission of updated Curriculum Vitae and personal statement

Year 4

Attend “Interviewing Seminar” and participate in one mock interview with your Medical School Advisor.

Attendance at “Interviewing Seminar” Completion of mock interview

Contact Us


Amy Smith, M.Ed
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
(304) 691-8684
Fax: (304) 691-1727


Laura Christopher, MS
Assistant Director
Academic & Career Support Services
(304) 691-1730

Fax: (304) 691-1727