Teaching Opportunities

At the Marshall University Endocrinology Fellowship Program, we take pride in our strong affiliation with Marshall University's medical school. Our program actively engages with medical students, hosting regular rotations that provide them with valuable exposure to the dynamic field of endocrinology.

In addition to medical students, our program welcomes residents from both Internal Medicine and Family Medicine residency programs. This collaborative environment fosters a rich learning experience, offering fellows the opportunity to contribute to the education and mentorship of emerging healthcare professionals.

Teaching Opportunities for Fellows:
A distinctive feature of our program at Marshall University is the integral role fellows play in education. Specifically, second-year fellows assume a fulfilling responsibility by contributing to the education of our healthcare community, collaborating with both staff and nurses. Each fellow is entrusted with conducting teaching sessions annually, actively contributing to the continual professional development of our dedicated healthcare team.

Educational Objectives:

  • Develop a robust understanding of the foundational theories and principles that underpin medical education.
  • Foster the fellows' capacity to deliver impactful didactic and clinical teachings tailored to our unique healthcare environment.
  • Provide fellows with the skills necessary to craft and implement effective curricula, integrating tailored methods of assessment aligned with our program's educational philosophy.
  • Encourage fellows to actively participate in scholarly activities that contribute to the advancement of medical education within the Marshall University community.
  • Facilitate mentorship opportunities for fellows, connecting them with seasoned staff who have successfully established their careers within the field of medical education at Marshall University.