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What constitutes community service?
As long as an activity is not something that is required/given compensation for through a rotation, class, job, or organization, and ultimately serves the greater good of the community, then the event will be considered community service.
To review a list of previously approved CSO activities that contribute towards your CSO awards, click here.
Who decides what is and is not community service?
When students have a question and/or concern about an issue regarding community service, they are expected to make this known to their respective Community Service Organization Liaison. At that time, the liaison will bring this to the Community Service Organization President. The President will then take the issue to counsel and make a decision which will be relayed back to the original party. If the student has a rebuttal, the issue will then be brought to the Community Service Organization as a whole.
How do I "log" my community service hours and Service Reflections?
Students seeking "Honors in Service" will report their community service hours via the Community Service Website. A report form will include the student’s name, class year, volunteer organization, volunteer activity contact coordinator contact information, volunteer activity date, hours served, a brief description of the event, and an area to list a "Service Reflection" from that event. ***note: at least 2 service reflections per semester are required for award recognition.
What is a "Service Reflection?"
A service reflection is a brief (no longer than a paragraph) reflection that describes what the student "took home" from the volunteer activity being logged. The student will discuss how being a part of the project has affected them as a person, and what they learned will make them a better physician ultimately. Service reflections are required in order to receive CSO awards.
If a student does community service, do they have to "log" the activity?
Yes, starting with the class of 2018, community service logging will be required. By logging your activities, students will help build the database of community service organizations/activities within the community that their fellow classmates can work with over the years.
Does a faculty member, advisor, mentor, or leader need to "sign-off" on my community service hours?
No. You are asked to provide the contact information for the person that oversaw the event, but you are not required to have them “sign-off” in any way that you were at the event.
General guidelines for qualified community service activities: