Print Resources

MU Herd Print availability in the Health Science Library

Library users have the availability to print from any device to the printer at the Health Science Library desk with 24/7 access.


Marshall University students, faculty and staff can now add their Marshall Mobile ID cards to their Apple Wallet or Google Pay and use their smart phone and Apple Watch around campus. By simply placing their phone or Apple Watch near a reader where physical campus IDs are accepted, they can enter residence halls, libraries and the Rec Center, buy lunch, make purchases at the university bookstore, print documents, and more.

Setting up Mobile-ID

Residents, Students, Faculty and Staff have access to Mobile-ID. If you don’t already have your mobile ID set up, follow these instructions.

Adding Funds with Herd Points:

Add funds to your Mobile-ID by visiting the Herd Points website or by using Transact eAccounts mobile app

Here you can

  • View your Herd Points Account (balance and activity) and make an immediate deposit.
  • View your meal plans, and the balances remaining for the week or in your block plan.
  • View your FLEX dollars (balance and activity)


  • Log in
  • Enter MUNet Username/ Password
  • Manage your account

Using Mobile Print:

Print from any phone, tablet or computer to any campus Pharos Mobile Print enabled printer through Herd Print.

  • Login with your MU username and password.
  • Upload the document you wish to print.
  • Select an item, choose color Select Black & White or Color under PRINT OPTIONS prior to printing – you will be charged based on your selection.  Indicate pages and number of copies or any other setting changes desired.
  • Visit a Pharos-enabled printer to pay for your print job.
  • All print jobs must be paid with Hard Points.

For assistance setting up your Mobile-ID email and remember to include your contact information.