
Please contact the Office of Student Affairs at 304.691.8725 or the Office of Research and Graduation Education at 304.696.7399 for additional information.

Graduation & Investiture

The Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine celebrates the graduation and investiture of its Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Medicine-Doctor of Philosophy (MD/PhD) candidates with an annual commencement ceremony each spring.

44th Annual Graduation & Investiture Ceremony
Friday, May 9, 2025

5 p.m.
Marshall Health Network Arena Grand Ballroom
One Civic Center Plaza, Huntington, West Virginia


Street parking is available along Third Avenue and surrounding side streets. Garage parking is also available at Pullman Square or the Third Avenue Parking Garage. Free parking is not available. 

Arrival Times

The mandatory walk-through for all graduating students is 9 a.m. May 8, 2025. Students should enter through the doors to the Convention Center for rehearsal only; doors open at 8:30 a.m. for rehearsal.

The ceremony begins promptly at 5 p.m. All students will meet in the main lobby of the Marshall Health Network Arena. Students should arrive no later than 4 p.m. for the group photo prior to the ceremony. 

Senior Awards Ceremony

The annual MD Senior Awards Ceremony will be held at 1 p.m. May 8, 2025, in the Marshall University Memorial Student Center, Don Morris Room. Graduating medical students and families are welcome to attend. 


Guests should enter through the main doors of the Convention Center at the far right of the plaza. Doors will open for the ceremony at 4 p.m.

Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities

Handicap or mobility-challenged individuals will have ADA seating available. The individual may be accompanied by no more than one guest.  

If you or a guest need ADA accommodations, please contact the Office of Student Affairs at or 304.691.8725 prior to the ceremony so that we may make proper arrangements for you/your guest. 

Faculty & Platform Party

School of Medicine faculty are welcome to attend the ceremony. Regalia IS required for faculty participation. All participating faculty will meet inside the main entrance to the Arena no later than 4:30 p.m. to line up for the faculty procession. 

The Platform Party should also arrive no later than 4:30 p.m. and may enter the Arena through the main entrance. 

For more information, please contact Tami Fletcher in the Dean’s Office at or 304.691.1701. 

Academic Attire

All candidates participating in the ceremony are required to either rent or purchase Marshall University regalia, including caps and gowns. Rented regalia is available through the Marshall University Bookstore. For purchase information, please click here. Deadline to purchase regalia is April 3.   

For assistance, please contact Office of Student Affairs at 304.691.8725 or or the Office of Research & Graduation Education at 304.696.7399.

Ceremony Information

Following their hooding, students will process back to their seats for the reading of the Oath of Hippocrates. Dismissal will be directed from the podium. 

Photography & Videography

University photographers will photograph degree candidates throughout the ceremony, including the hooding of each graduate. Photos of the ceremony will be available for free download no more than one week following the ceremony.

Family and friends will not be permitted on the floor by the stage or the stage for photo opportunities. We encourage families to take their own videos and photographs from their seats throughout the ceremony. 

Additional locations throughout Huntington that provide a lovely background for graduation photos include: Ritter Park, Harris Riverfront Park, the front lawn of Old Main (Hal Greer Blvd.), Pullman Square, buffalo statues (Third Avenue between the Marshall Sports Medicine Institute and University’s Hall of Fame).  


For family and friends unable to attend, the ceremony will be streamed live at and These videos will also remain archived for viewing at a later date.