Scholarship Giving


For more information about how your gift can help move the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine forward, contact Linda Holmes, associate dean for development & alumni affairs, at 304.691.1711 or

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It is not uncommon for medical school graduates to finish medical school with a staggering debt. The idea of graduating medical school debt-free is virtually impossible, with more than 90 percent of our students relying on federal student loans to pay for medical school and supplement their day-to-day finances.

The average Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School Medicine student graduates with more than $150,000 in debt, making scholarships more important than ever. Academic scholarships for the most promising students, regardless of their ability to pay, are vital to the school of medicine as we seek to attract and keep the best and brightest students in West Virginia.

Scholarship support is an investment in the lives of real students like these that allows them to focus on becoming physicians without the staggering burden of debt hanging over their heads.

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“I cannot thank you enough for awarding me the scholarship. Obviously, medical school debt is daunting and this helps out so much. I will continue to work hard and become the best physician I can. I will absolutely be paying it back to future students once I graduate. Once again, I wanted to thank you all.”
Sam A. Kaplan, Class of 2021

“This year has been full of unexpected events, some positive and others discouraging. Even in the midst of this year’s hardships, small acts of kindness have found their way to shine through. While working hard to become a physician, I have also fulfilled the roles of wife and mother to my two young children. No part of being a mom while simultaneously attending medical school has been easy. So, thank you for your generous gift to me and my family, which will greatly aid in the financial burden of medical school.

Please keep giving so others that come after me may also be blessed by your endowment. I, too, hope to give back after my journey to becoming a family physician is complete.”
Hannah Leport, Class of 2021

"Through your generous support, it is possible for me to continue to achieve my academic and career goals.  You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the School of Medicine. I look forward to helping other students in the future achieve their goals just as you have helped me."
Nana Bosomtwe, Class of 2022

"I am extremely thankful to receive the scholarship. It is always encouraging to receive such scholarships that assist with my medical education. I am tremendously grateful for all of the opportunities that the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine has given me. I will always treasure these opportunities and scholarships. I do hope to help give the same kindness and generosity I have received to other medical students in the future. Thank you so much for the scholarship, I truly appreciate it!" 
Amrita Valluri, Class of 2022

"My day was very much brightened by the news of this scholarship! I feel blessed to have received it. I definitely plan on paying it forward to future Marshall medical students. I said from Day One to my friends and family that the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine gives off the energy of a true family environment, which is one of the reasons I am so happy to be here."
Ben Duplaga, Class of 2023

"I want to express my gratitude for this scholarship and give my personal thank you, as this scholarship will benefit my overall medical school experience. I am grateful to receive such an honorable scholarship as I aspire to become a proud physician and reciprocate what I have learned through my medical school career and give it back to the community. The day will come where I will be giving back to Marshall University School of Medicine and grant a student a scholarship for their achievements. Once again, thank you."
Andreas M. Zambos, Class of 2023