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- Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program
Orthopaedic residents score in 99th percentile each of the last 5 years
Our residents scored in the 99th percentile of all orthopaedic residents across the country on the orthopedic in-training examination (OITE). Among the first steps on the path toward board certification, the OITE measures a resident’s knowledge and evidence-based, problem-solving skills in 10 orthopaedic specialty areas during each of the final four years of the five-year orthopaedic residency program.Welcome to the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine Department of Orthopaedic Surgery.
Since the inception of our department in 2004 we have not only attracted the best and the brightest orthopaedic faculty, we have enlisted those who truly have a passion for our specialty and are committed to teaching. Our faculty is able to practice and teach only what they have a love and passion for. They are also technologically advanced, utilizing minimally invasive techniques, computer-assisted and robotic surgery. Our faculty represents every orthopaedic subspecialty.
In 2008 we matched our first PGY1 and PGY2 residents and continue to match four positions each year. We have been successful in recruiting outstanding residents to our program. Each year the residents' OITE scores have consistently ranked above 90 percentile nationally
Overall, the Department of Orthopaedics provides an exceptionally strong and well balanced training program. Our four missions include clinical care, education, research and philanthropy. The department is stable, loyal and growing and the physicians are energetic and committed to providing an excellent training experience. Our program is well supported and provides individual, private tutor-type training for residents. The goal is to turn residents into excellent well-rounded orthopaedic surgeons. We would also like to have residents who would affect their communities as we have affected ours.
We invite you to explore our website for further information.
Ali Oliashirazi, M.D.
Professor and Chair
Residency Program Director